Showing 36 Result(s)
solopreneur business model

Solopreneur business model (solopreneur vs entrepreneur)

You know what’s frustrating about so much business advice out there? It’s not designed for solopreneurs. The solopreneur business model is highly unique. There’s a difference between solopreneur vs entrepreneur, and if you are a solopreneur, then you need to take different things into consideration. Everything from our productivity methods to our business structure to …

how to be a successful solopreneur

3 Steps for How to Be a Successful Solopreneur

Join the FREE productivity  training and discover how to be a successful solopreneur. Let me ask you… When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? Last week? Yesterday? Maybe 30 minutes ago? That’s pretty common. And unfortunately, that overwhelm is really harming your business. In fact, people are almost 70% less productive when they feel …