My Freelance Life: One Year Later

Can you believe that it was just one year ago yesterday that I started freelancing full-time? How the time flies! Every day when I wake up, I am so grateful and happy for making the decision to strike out on my own and start my own business. I love being a small business owner and …

“I get to” vs. “I have to”

I’m in Vancouver right now! Today I want to leave you with this question: What do you *get to* do today? When I came across the article How to Quit Being Overwhelmed For Good a few days ago, the concepts in the article really resonated with me. I’ve had an issue with the word “busy” …

Should I Work On Weekends? (Freelance Tips)

This is a question that a lot of home-based freelancers / small business owners have. Should I work on weekends? Should I work in the evenings? Is it better to keep regular 9—5 hours? How many hours per week should I be working? The answer, of course, is it depends! But if you’re a freelancer or home-based …

multitasking tip

Best Multitasking Tip

One of the most common things that you hear with regards to productivity is that above all, you should avoid multitasking! The logic behind this is that if you try to do too many things at once, you won’t be doing any of those things very well. But since I love multitasking, I’ve naturally found a way around this …

Five Things I DO Miss about Working in an Office

I’ve talked about what I don’t miss about working in an office environment with coworkers… but that doesn’t mean it’s all roses and sunshine as a freelancer! Here are a few of the things I miss about working in an office and having coworkers: 1) Brainstorming sessions. Sometimes you really want to hash things out …

Three More Things I Don’t Miss About Working in an Office

To follow up on last week’s article… three more things I don’t miss about working in an office!  Being a freelancer or small business owner is NOT for everyone. But I do think it’s important to recognize what your best working style is (which will likely change during your lifetime!). That’s why I think it’s …

Great Resources for New Freelancers

I have now been freelancing full-time for about 11 months. It’s rather exciting! Freelancing is a wonderful experience. I absolutely love being a home-based small business owner. I am now getting to the stage where I have quite steady and long-term clients, which is fantastic, whereas my first month or three as a freelancer was largely spent …

Weekend Blogger Chuckle

Mr Science sent this article to me earlier today: 10 Reasons Why Blogging is Ruining My Life. And somehow that led me to finding another article in a similar vein, Blogging is Ruining My Life. If you’re a blogger (or know a blogger!), you’re bound to crack a smile for at least a few of …

The Secret to Inbox Zero

Ahhh, Inbox Zero. That elusive concept wherein you deal with emails as they come in and you never have more than three emails in your inbox (or, ideally, you have zero emails in your inbox!). But how are you supposed to actually do it? Most of the strategies that I’ve seen—only look at your emails …

Qui docet discit

I recently came across this line in a handy little book I have, A Dictionary of Latin Words and Phrases: qui docet discit he who teaches learns. It stuck with me. One of my current jobs involves note-taking for education classes, and it is heartening that some of the professors teaching these courses are so …

Project Management Tips

So you’ve got a project to manage… now what? These BEST project management tips will help you get organized and get an awesome project going! My 6 best project management tips: 1) Identify all tasks that need to be done. One of the biggest issues that can come up when managing a project is that it’s …

Day in the Life of a Freelancer: January 2015 Edition

This is a pretty typical look at my day these days… if I don’t have a networking event to attend, I usually have a class to transcribe or a meeting with a client. Most of my days lately are somewhere in the range of seven to nine hours of work (after taking all of the …