Find out the #1 thing you need to know about being a home-based small business owner in this article! Great freelancing tips for anyone working from home (including bloggers and authors)

The #1 Thing You Need to Know about Being a Home-Based Business Owner

And the #1 thing you need to know about being a home-based business owner is…

Figure out what works best for you, right now.

There are so many different ways of working, but ultimately, what works best for one person might not work right for you. And what worked for you six months ago might not work quite right for you today!

Figure out what works best for you.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different working styles!

As a home-based business owner, you might be well-suited to working solid 10-hour days, five days each week. Or maybe you need 10-minute breaks every two hours. Or maybe you need three-day weekends between your work weeks. Find out the #1 thing you need to know about being a home-based small business owner in this article! Great freelancing tips for anyone working from home (including bloggers and authors)

Grab your checklist for preparing to work from home full-time >>

As a home-based business owner, you might be better off only checking your email once each day. Or maybe you work better checking it every 30 minutes. Or maybe you need to take several days away from communications after every 10 days of working.

As a home-based business owner, you might work better in a special space you’ve rented especially to work out of, totally free of distractions. Or maybe you do your best work when brainstorming with a team of people. Or maybe you work best at a coffee shop with strangers surrounding you.

As a home-based business owner, you might be most productive first thing in the morning. Or maybe you work best late at night. Or maybe you can work with equal capability at any time of the day or night, and it changes from day to day.

The important thing here is to experiment with different working styles, and to try doing things in different ways. To not ignore a piece of advice you hear, but also not to take it to heart as the be-all end-all.

To figure out what works best for you, right now, at this point in your life.

Grab the cheatsheet to save 45+ hours each month >>

Have you figured out your best working style? What is the #1 thing you would tell new home-based business owners? What is most important to you to be productive and get high-quality work completed? Share in the comments section below!