Showing 31 Result(s)

How to Prepare Your Book for an Editor

Are you close to finishing your book and getting ready to hire an editor? Here’s what you should do to prepare your book for the editing process… 1) Have as much of your book written as possible. This will help to save you money! If the editor starts working on an unfinished book and you end …

So You Want to Be a Writer: Now What?

This is one of the most common questions I receive: I love to write, and I think I’m pretty good at it. How did you start? How can I quit my day job and write full-time too? This is a great question—and there are so many potential answers to it for how to be a …

what to do before submitting manuscript to an editor

What To Do BEFORE Submitting Your Manuscript to an Editor

As a freelance editor, I’ve had the great pleasure of working with several indie (and established!) authors on editing their manuscripts. I’ve done everything from proofreading to developmental editing for authors, in genres from children’s books to crime mysteries, so the types of manuscripts (and the amount that they are ready for editing) that I …

My Top Five Tips for How to Be a Better Writer

Sometimes you just aren’t in the mood for writing. But if you have a deadline to deal with, or if you are writing content for a client, you don’t really have much of a choice! You might not feel inspired to write, but you have to write anyways. I have now been blogging for more …

NEW: Editing Service for Bloggers

It’s the new year! While you might have resolutions or goals planned for you for the upcoming months, have you thought about ways that you can improve your blog? Whether you want your blog to look a little cleaner and more professional, you’re hoping to turn your blog into a book, or you’re just tired …

How to Find Inspiration as a Writer

NaNoWriMo has come and gone, but if you’re still looking for inspiration for your writing, look no further! These five tips for getting inspired to write will help you come up with new story ideas (or refresh a current story you’re working on): 1) Get outside for some fresh air. Take a little notebook and …

Gifts for the Writers & Readers in Your Life

Normally I’m not a “holiday gift list” kind of blogger—I always get a kick out of seeing them on other people’s blogs, but it’s generally just not my thing. However, I have recently come across a number of really cool things and had to share them, along with some classic gift ideas. Get them for …

Best Tips for Practicing Writing

Writing is a skill we can always get better at – and practice is something that definitely helps improve our skill! Here are a few tips for how to practice writing to improve your skills at it: Try writing for a genre or in a style you have never done before. If you generally write …

How to Prepare for National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is just around the corner! The fun begins on November 1st, and the idea is to write a 50,000-word novel over the course of one month. I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo this past July (read all about my experience with Camp NaNoWriMo by clicking here), and I’m looking forward to …

Effective Note-Taking: Tips for Writing Notes

It’s back-to-school season – and that means that it’s time to start doing a whole bunch of writing and note-taking during class! I mastered the art of note-taking when I was in university, and now that part of my work includes professional transcribing and note-taking, I’ve really managed to cultivate the skill. These tips for …

Camp NaNoWriMo writing tips

My Experiences with Camp NaNoWriMo

My first time trying NaNoWriMo last year was a complete failure. For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it is held every November. The idea is that you write a 50,000-word novel in the space of one month. An ambitious, yet exciting, prospect, to be sure! So …

Why do I need a writer / content creator?

Writers, or content creators, might be just the thing you need to enhance your business and to best market your business to your target audiences. Here’s the background you need on why hiring a professional writer could be one of your best decisions. Why does writing matter? Just like with editing, having high-quality writing can …