energy management as a solopreneur

Energy management as a solopreneur (difference between time & energy, and questions to improve both)

“I don’t have the time I need to do this project or that task or achieve that goal!” Is that true? (It could be!) …Or is it that you don’t have the energy/capacity/bandwidth to do that project or task or accomplish that goal?

Either way, if it’s a time management issue or an energy management issue, you can do something about it... 

Let’s go over a few questions you can ask yourself to assess your current time management and energy management, so you can make transformative changes as a solopreneur.

If it’s a TIME issue: 

  1. Are you using systems/strategies/processes/techniques that aren’t a good fit for you? 
  2. Are you looking at your goals as competing for your attention and conflicting with one another, rather than connecting together and supporting one another?
  3. Are you doing too many “busy work” tasks that don’t contribute to your goals? 
  4. Are you trying to do too many things all at once and then it turns into overwhelm & becomes an energy management issue?  

If it’s an ENERGY issue: 

  1. Are you building (*the right type of*) rest into your day/week/month? 
  2. Do you know what boosts & drains your energy, and are you making use of that information? 
  3. Are your schedule, business model & structure, services/products you offer, and client processes, etc all designed to accommodate for your energy? 

These are *NOT exhaustive* examples of what might be going on for you—they are simply a starting point for what to consider if you feel like you don’t have time. 

And by the way, in my experience of being a solopreneur for over a decade, and working with many solopreneurs in my e-courses and as my coaching clients, more often than not it’s actually an energy issue that needs to be dealt with first, BEFORE you address the time issue.

"Do you lack TIME... or do you really need more ENERGY?" self care quotes and tips when your energy is low

If you aren’t sure whether you have a TIME or ENERGY issue (or both!)…and if you’re not sure how to IMPLEMENT and take ACTION on this…

You learn how to differentiate between time & energy in my Productivity Powerhouse e-course, AND you’ll also get all the tools and strategies you need to skyrocket your time and energy management!

Productivity Powerhouse goes in-depth on all of these areas (and more!) to give you guidance on assessing them & working through them (plus the best order in which to do so!)—so you can get back your time AND your energy.  

IMPORTANT: What’s going on for you can also be all of these things mentioned here, or a combination of these things, or something else altogether. This, too, is something you’ll learn how to navigate & work through in Productivity Powerhouse.

Ready to take your time management and energy management abilities to a whole new level? Join Productivity Powerhouse: You’ll get immediate access to EVERYTHING so you can begin saving time and energy right now, TODAY.

I’ll see you on the inside!

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest." Time management vs energy management quotes and productivity tips for freelancers