Re-cap of the week of Oct 19, 2014 in my #freelancelife

As promised in my recent Blog Makeover article over at Living Healthy in the Real World, I’ll now be posting re-caps of the past week as a home-based business owner (as well as thoughts from the week and answering FAQs about the freelance life) every Saturday here at Living Rhetorically in the Real World!

Here’s what this past week looked like for me:

  • Sunday: Edited a US lesson plan. Over the years I’ve sort of “fallen into” editing educational materials – and I have to say I love it. This project took me three days to complete, but I did the majority of it on Sunday. The rest of the day, I did a little bit of social media for a client and went for a long walk.
  • Monday: Blogged for a client and prepped blog posts for my personal blogs. I also did some job hunting (as always!) and dealt with other administrative tasks and correspondence for my business, as well as worked on social media for my personal accounts.
  • Tuesday: Transcribed for three university lectures and proofread web copy (educational materials – different client than the one with the lesson plan that I edited on Sunday). This semester, Tuesdays are busy days for me with all the transcribing, so they don’t generally give me much time to work on other freelancing projects. It’s nice to be able to do the bulk of my transcribing all at once – and fun to be able to learn things from the classes at the same time! But since two of my classes are in the evening and one of them was cancelled today, I was able to squeeze in an extra couple hours throughout the day to proofread web copy (educational materials for early years) for one of my regular clients, and do a bit of personal blogging.
  • Wednesday: Spent most of my (very short) workday editing a press release and book chapter, and responding to questions from a client; I did some administrative tasks for my business as well. I had an acupuncture session in the middle of the day (got to prioritize self-care!) and it was election day, so those two things ended up taking quite a bit of time out of my workday. This was definitely one of those where did the time go? kind of days!
  • Thursday: Focused more on personal items and volunteer work today. A couple transcribing classes were canceled today, so I ended up doing a fair amount of blogging, social media, responding to inquiries, and doing planning for the upcoming weeks, as well as completing a newsletter for a volunteer group and organizing my workspace.
  • Friday: Proofread educational materials and dealt with business correspondence. Went for a lovely lunch (the monthly Friday tradition with my mother, godmother, and honorary godmother) and took a long walk as well.

I generally take it a little easy on Fridays and Saturdays, but since I did more personal and administrative work on Wednesday and Thursday this week, I’m catching up on some ongoing work for clients today. One of the things I like best about freelancing is the freedom to be pretty flexible with work!

What did your workweek look like? Share in the comments section below!