Showing 641 Result(s)

10 Reasons Why Bloggers Should Offer Freelance Services

A few weeks ago I guest-blogged over at Amy Howard Social about how to leverage your blog as a platform for freelance writing services. Today I want to expand on that and cover the top 10 reasons why bloggers should offer freelance services!  Note: this applies to bloggers who want to go pro with their blogs or …

2 Tips on How to Make Time For Blogging

Making time for blogging can be challenging when we have other aspects to our business (or are in university… or have a 9—5 job… or all three!). In this video, I’m sharing two important tips on how to make time for blogging: A quick note:  One of the things I point out in the video …

How do you know when to spend money on your business?

After investing very little in my business for years, these past few months I have started making a lot of business-related purchases. From software to home office equipment, I’ve spent more in the past few months than I had spent in a very long time for my business!  And this is important: you have to …

Why Your Freelance Business Failed (and what to do about it)

No one wants to fail. But unfortunately, quite a lot of freelancers do fail in their businesses. Freelancing can be hard! It can be overwhelming and challenging to succeed as a freelancer. But success is possible! You can be a super successful freelancer when you have the right strategies and systems set into place. Grab your …

Should I Start Freelancing? Why Freelancing is AWESOME

Should I start freelancing? This is a question so many of us ask at various points in our lives.  Maybe you’re feeling frustrated with the type of work you’re doing at your 9—5 job, and you don’t see any opportunity to move up or across at that place of work. Maybe you’re tired of being …

how should you set rates as a freelancer

How Should You Set Rates as a Freelancer?

Besides wondering exactly how to price freelance services, this question of the method of setting rates is one of the BIG questions that every freelancer asks themselves when starting a freelance business. What’s the best way of setting rates—hourly or by the project? And should you confirm the amount in advance or give an approximate range …

how much should i charge friends

How Much Should I Charge Friends for Freelancing Services?

I have another video training for you today! This video looks at the big question so many freelancers have… how much should I charge friends for freelancing services? It’s one thing to set your rates for the general public. But what about when friends are involved? We’re getting to the bottom of that today! Enjoy: You …

Thinking About Starting a Home-Based Business? This Is For You

Edited to note: this webinar is over now. BUT you can still click HERE to sign up for the free cheatsheet to save time in your business!   Popping in quickly to say hi, friends! And also, if you are thinking about starting a home-based business, I’ve got something pretty awesome for you… It’s a free …

Win a Copy of this Business Book for Freelancers!

Sorry! This giveaway is now over. But you can still get a copy by purchasing this book on Amazon or via Goodreads. Want to win a hard-copy of my business book for freelancers? You’re in luck! I’m doing a special giveaway for a paperback copy of The Business of Writing & Editing: Practical Tips & Templates …

Why Failure Is a Good Thing

My Internet died AGAIN this week, hence the delayed blog post scheduling these last couple of days. I am currently working outside of the house but *hopefully* it will all be fixed this afternoon!  It was extremely frustrating to have the Internet go down yet again this week. Last week it was bad enough, but at …

Vlogging: Behind the scenes of a home-based small business

I’m video blogging today! In this video, I share some behind the scenes information—two awesome things I created, plus the changing direction my business is taking (and what that means for Enjoy: Here are the links I talked about in the video: Sign up for my newsletter here. Check out my freelance business book …

How Do You Make Money Online?

I get asked this type of question (or variations of it) at least once a week: how do you make money online?  My favorite version of it came during a Table Topics session at Toastmasters a couple weeks ago: “Sagan, you do something on the Internet. Tell us about how you make money online.” You …

NEW Online Course for Freelancers

Edited to note: This e-course has since been archived, HOWEVER all of the material is still accessible (and greatly expanded upon!) in the other programs more recently created in the School.  A couple weeks ago, I released a free social media tips e-book. And then a couple days after that, my business book for …

The 500 Words/Day Writing Challenge

In past years, I’ve chosen a word/phrase to live by for the year instead of a New Year’s resolution. This year, however, I decided to implement a challenge for myself: to write 500 words a day, every day, for the whole year. It was residual, I think, of successfully completing National Novel Writing Month in …

82 social media tips for lifestyle bloggers

82 Social Media Tips for Lifestyle Bloggers

I’ve got a special surprise for my lifestyle blogger friends today! Over the past couple months, I’ve been hard at work putting together a couple books and a course. On a whim a few days ago, I decided that instead of publishing one of those books—82 Social Media Tips for Lifestyle Bloggers—on Amazon for purchase, …