Showing 641 Result(s)
how to build your self trust

Do you (really) trust yourself?

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: Make a plan to build your self-trust this year! Here’s why: A LACK of self-trust creates structural problems in your business, goals, vision & values. It leads to poor decision-making, inaction (or the wrong actions), and unnecessary “busy work… …A lack of self-trust drains your energy AND wastes …

solopreneur tip of the day

Attention, solopreneur: You are not behind

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: You are not “behind.” …Instead of focusing on what other people in your industry are doing, and instead of focusing on where you are NOT, try exploring the benefits & value of where YOU are*, right now, at *this point in time. TAKE ACTION ON THIS — Write …

guilt and anti hustle

Guilt and your anti-hustle business

Super Quick Solopreneur Tip of the Day: Anti-hustle is NOT lazy! Anti-hustle is about being intentional and strategic with your work, so that you STOP wasting time/energy doing unnecessary “busy tasks” and START creating higher quality work more efficiently, while also conserving your energy. …So if you’ve ever felt guilty or lazy about the idea …

toxic productivity

What is toxic productivity?

What is toxic productivity? How does toxic productivity affect you (in both your personal life and your professional life!), AND what is an alternative to toxic productivity?  There are 5 aspects of toxic productivity for us to address today, and then I want to offer you a fantastic solution to this issue of toxic productivity… …

5 mindset shifts that will change your life

5 mindset shifts that will change your life

Want to know the 5 mindset shifts that will change your life? Grab a pen and paper and write these down! We are going to go over the five common thought processes, plus the new mindset shift and belief for each of these thoughts, and my recommendations for how to make each mindset shift work …

productivity for solopreneurs e-course FAQ

Productivity for solopreneurs e-course FAQ

A question I ALWAYS wonder, when I’m considering joining someone else’s business program, is this: “Your testimonials are great, clearly some people are getting great results with your program… But what about AVERAGE results? What about people who DON’T get results? What happens if I’m not happy or if I don’t get the expected results?” …

productivity for solopreneurs

Productivity for solopreneurs e-course

Productivity can feel like a CHALLENGE for solopreneurs — which is exactly why I created my productivity for solopreneurs e-course! It’s called Productivity Powerhouse and it uses my signature anti-hustle methods which are fully customizable to ANY solopreneur business — including yours. In this video, let’s talk about what this productivity for solopreneurs course can …

best resource for solopreneurs

Best resource for solopreneurs

The best resource for solopreneurs (in my opinion, *and also* based on the rave reviews I’ve received) is Productivity Powerhouse: my signature anti-hustle e-course designed especially for solopreneurs to build a lifestyle business, save 10 hours/week (every week), get back your energy, and take major strides on your ambitious business goals while still prioritizing your …

solopreneur diary

Introducing: Solopreneur Diary Entries!

Do you ever wish you could see what life is like for other solopreneurs? Are they facing similar challenges and wins as you are? What are they struggling with, what experiments are they testing out, and what lessons are they learning? What can YOU learn from THEM?  …If you ever wished you could be a …

how to stop feeling overwhelmed

How to stop feeling overwhelmed

“I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t know what I should focus on first. I’m too overwhelmed to do anything. My overwhelm is exhausting!” Does that sound familiar? If you want to know how to STOP feeling overwhelmed, you’re in the right place! My coaching clients often come to me for this exact reason — because they …