So You Want to Be a Writer: Now What?

This is one of the most common questions I receive: I love to write, and I think I’m pretty good at it. How did you start? How can I quit my day job and write full-time too? This is a great question—and there are so many potential answers to it for how to be a …

simple organizing tool

1 Simple Organizing Tool that will Change Your Life

You all know how much I love to-do lists and planners. Well, I have discovered something new which I absolutely adore!  Let me back up a moment. A lot of my work, for both my blog and for the work I do with clients, is ongoing long-term work. That means that I have to chip …

how to be better at small talk

Two Steps to Starting a Conversation at an Event

I go to events fairly regularly—not necessarily networking events, but receptions and other events where there are opportunities for mingling. And small talk is so not my thing. Moreover, I’m not the kind of person who can just walk up to someone and say, “hi, my name is ___ and I do XYZ.” That’s not …

Top 3 Tips for Talking on the Radio

I spent three years volunteering as the weekly co-host of an hour-long talk radio show. It was a huge amount of fun, and while I don’t do it anymore (I just had too many other things going on, and something’s gotta give!), I certainly learned a lot from it—in particular, how to speak well when …

A Simple Trick to Get More Work Done

We all have those times when you just feel like you’re plodding along. You have work to do, but it’s tough to just sit down and do it. The clock keeps ticking and you have no idea where the time is going! If you’re in this kind of situation, you need to know my simple trick for …

what to do before submitting manuscript to an editor

What To Do BEFORE Submitting Your Manuscript to an Editor

As a freelance editor, I’ve had the great pleasure of working with several indie (and established!) authors on editing their manuscripts. I’ve done everything from proofreading to developmental editing for authors, in genres from children’s books to crime mysteries, so the types of manuscripts (and the amount that they are ready for editing) that I …

My Top Five Tips for How to Be a Better Writer

Sometimes you just aren’t in the mood for writing. But if you have a deadline to deal with, or if you are writing content for a client, you don’t really have much of a choice! You might not feel inspired to write, but you have to write anyways. I have now been blogging for more …

My Two Best Money Tips for Freelancers

As a freelancer, you get to be the boss, secretary, office manager, employee, and bookkeeper, all rolled into one. And no doubt you are stronger in some of these areas than others! Grab your pricing strategies worksheet now >> Most people become freelancers because their strong skills are in being an entrepreneur and / or …

3 Reasons Why Elance Is a Great Option for New Freelancers

When you first start out freelancing, it can be tough! Building a client base, getting work experience, and making a living can take a long time. Although a lot of traditional online freelance bidding sites, such as Elance or Freelanced, aren’t the best way to get long-term freelance work (particularly because the pay can be ridiculously, …

how to stay disciplined as a freelancer

How do you stay disciplined when you don’t have a boss?

This is a common question I get from people who work traditional 9—5 jobs, or who don’t have much experience in the small business world or in freelancing. And it’s an excellent question: if you don’t have a boss, then how can you stay on track with your work? What’s to stop you from just …

Tips for Working at a Coffee Shop

Last week I talked about why I like working out of coffee shops… so this week, I’ve got some tips for you on working at a coffee shop successfully! 1) Have a plan for what type of work you’ll do. Don’t just decide that you’ll go work at a coffee shop. When you arrive, you’ll …

What I like about working out of coffee shops

It took me almost a year of freelancing full-time before I began working out of coffee shops semi-regularly. Be a freelancer! Grab your small biz checklist now >> Then, during the past few months, I was transcribing some university classes for deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and a couple of my classes were spaced a few …