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4 ways to edit your own writing

Top 4 Ways to Edit Your Own Writing

If you don’t have a background as an editor, it can be a really good idea to hire an editor to edit your work for you. But what if you don’t have the funds to do so? In that case, you’ll want to brush up on your own editing skills! 3 Steps to 10x Your …

What You Need To Do for a More Productive Morning

If you’ve ever wished you were a little more productive in the morning, these tips will help you out! Simple tips to make for a more productive morning Grab the cheatsheet to save 45+ hours each month >> 1. Prepare the night before. Tidy up your workspace before you wrap up your workday. Make notes …

4 Questions You Need to Ask Before Starting a Business

Grab your checklist for preparing to work from home full-time I absolutely love being a small business owner. It is the perfect thing for me! But that’s not to say that owning a business is right for everyone—and it’s not something you should just jump right into. It requires some careful thinking and assessment of …

2 Useful Tips for Managing Social Media Better

Are you a social media manager? Or are you just trying to navigate the world of social media to promote your own small business or blog? While there’s a lot of great information on the Internet detailing basic tips for how to manage social media, these two tips are meant to assist you with fine-tuning …

What Does it Take to Be a Professional Blogger?

I love blogging. I’ve loved blogging right from when I first started blogging, nearly eight years ago. But I didn’t think it was something I could do for a living until I started the Elite Blog Academy last December. Grab the cheatsheet to save 45+ hours each month >> Since then, I’ve been thinking a …

How to Introduce Yourself at an Event

I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll say it again: I am not the kind of person who can just walk up to someone and say, “hi, I’m Sagan and I’m a freelance editor / writer.” It just feels so contrived! When it comes to networking effectively at events, unless someone asks you point-blank who you …

small business plan template

How to Create a Business Plan: A Business Plan Template

Last week we discussed the importance of how to prepare for creating a business plan. This week I’ve got a business plan template that you can use to plug in your ideas once you have them!  Use this business plan template as a freelancer or other type of solopreneur, so you can map out your …

tips for creating a business plan

3 Things to Keep In Mind When Creating a Business Plan

Putting together a business plan may seem to be a dry task—but it doesn’t have to be! I know that when I say that I find it fun to look to the future and set our vision and goals on paper, and have something to work with when we begin to implement our strategies, I’m …

I’m Not On Periscope (and that’s okay)

In case you haven’t heard, Periscope is the hot new social media platform. It’s like a combination of Instagram, SnapChat, and YouTube, all rolled into one (from what I understand of it). While I’ve been on Facebook and Twitter for years, and jumped on Instagram a couple years ago, I don’t think I’ll be joining Periscope—at least …

Meetings: Worthwhile or Worthless?

I have attended a lot of worthless meetings over the years—meetings that just end up wasting your time, and which don’t really seem to have a point to them. It was doubly frustrating when I knew that the meetings could have been useful and meaningful, but they were just conducted poorly. Nowadays, with freelancing, my …

3 Mistakes You’re Making on Twitter & How to Fix Them: Part 1

I love Twitter. It’s the kind of platform that speaks to me. I like that I can share a quick thought or funny moment, direct people to an interesting article, and participate in conversations with all kinds of people from around the world—and, of course, I love making up silly / clever hashtags. Growing Twitter …

How to Prepare Your Book for an Editor

Are you close to finishing your book and getting ready to hire an editor? Here’s what you should do to prepare your book for the editing process… 1) Have as much of your book written as possible. This will help to save you money! If the editor starts working on an unfinished book and you end …

So You Want to Be an Editor: Now What?

Becoming a professional editor is a little different from becoming a professional writer. For one thing, if you have a natural talent for writing, you can become a professional writer with little formal training. Editing isn’t the same. Aspiring editors commonly say things like, “I’m good at catching typos” or “Everyone comes to me to …