accountability tips for freelancers

10 Ways to Keep Accountable With Your Business

We’ve all been there:  “Someday I’m going to start my own business and it will be awesome!” “Pretty soon I’m going to actually quit my 9 to 5 job and work from home full-time.” “I’m an *aspiring* freelancer.” To each of these statements, I ask… WHEN and HOW are you going to go about starting …

How Choosing to Eat Healthier Is Like Choosing to Start a Business

Full disclosure: I’m writing this right now because the alternative is that I will go out to the movies, mostly for the purpose of eating a giant bag of buttery movie theatre popcorn than to actually see the movie itself.  But this whole concept of eating healthier/getting fit being similar to starting your own freelance …

business best friend

Why you NEED a Business Bestie

If there are only 3 things I have learned over my 8 years as a small business owner, it would be this:  No one will ever care about your business as much as you do—and therefore it’s up to YOU to do the work You will have so much more success if you focus on …

business coach for freelancers

What Does a Business Coach for Freelancers Do?

Starting to teach other freelancers how to start and grow their successful and profitable freelance businesses has been AMAZING. I am having so much fun with it!  So much fun, in fact, that I launched a brand new program last week: the 6-week Biz Bestie One-on-One Coaching Program! It’s the perfect option if you want …

should freelancers blog

Should Freelancers Blog? 10 Steps to Starting a Blog for Your Business

Should freelancers blog? Too many small business owners and freelancers jump into getting a blog (just like they jump into having an email list!) without actually thinking about WHY they’re doing it. Having a blog for your freelance business can be AMAZING for marketing purposes, connecting with your audience, and just sharing your knowledge with …

Are You Ready to Quit Your 9 to 5 Job?

Not sure if you’re ready to quit your 9 to 5 job? Let’s find out!  For each of the following questions, answer YES or NO. Keep track of how many of each YES and NO answers you have—we’re going to go over the tally at the end of this article! (That’s right. I’m going all …

things to include on freelance website

10 Things to Include On Your Freelance Services Webpage

Putting together your freelance services webpage, but not sure what you should include on it? You need an awesome freelance services webpage if you want to get freelance clients and make money freelancing! First things first: get a FREE worksheet on how to create your freelance services webpage: Get the free worksheet to create your …

should I list prices on my freelance website

Should I List Prices On My Freelance Website?

Along with the question of, “how much should I charge for my freelance services?” and “should I do work for free for friends?”, one of the other common questions new freelancers ask me when they’re learning how to start a freelance business is, “should I list prices on my freelance website?”  The super short answer is …

market your freelance business

10 Ways to Market Your Freelance Business

The question of “how do I market my freelance business?” and “Where will I find freelance clients?” is something I hear asked again and again from readers and students who want to start a freelance business. Get your ideal client profile worksheet >> And I get it: finding freelance clients is HARD when you are …

What Should I Do If I Quit My Job Without Planning Ahead?

So you’ve decided to start a freelance business… but you’re completely overwhelmed with where to actually begin. Maybe your latest contract just wrapped up, and you’ve suddenly realized that you don’t have another job lined up.  Maybe you just got laid off from your 9 to 5 gig. Maybe you grew so tired with working …

The Ultimate Home Office Checklist

Grab the ultimate home office checklist now! Get the (free!) ultimate home office checklist: Perfect for solopreneurs… Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Email Address Yes! I want this Powered by ConvertKit Ready to work from home full-time? You’re going to need …

should you have a mailing list

Should you have a mailing list for your freelance business?

Nowadays, EVERYONE talks about the importance of collecting email addresses and building your email list if you have your own business. But there are two things people don’t really discuss when it comes to having a mailing list: WHAT exactly you should include in your mailing list (which you can find out the answer to …