Thank you for reading Begin Your Biz in 15 Minutes/Day: Your Freelancing Tips Starter Kit!
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On this page, you'll be able to access all of the resources mentioned in the book, chapter by chapter. Make use of any and all that are of interest and relevant to you.
Be sure to grab the fillable checklists below, as well; they will help you to more easily stay on track with each of the 12 monthly themes. You'll get one checklist for each chapter:
Additional Resources
Chapter 3: Goal-Setting & Big-Picture Business Planning
- Goal planning workbook
- Inspirational stories: what 2 freelancers did to start & grow their businesses
Chapter 4: Create a Business Plan
Chapter 5: Create an Ideal Client Profile & Prospect Directory
Chapter 6: Create a Marketing Plan
- Marketing strategy template
- How to get retainer clients
- 10 things to know BEFORE you pitch prospects
Chapter 7: Improve Your Website
- How to write an About page
- How to set rates as a freelancer
- 10 things to include on your Freelancer Services page
Chapter 8: Pitch Prospects
Chapter 9: Client Retention Strategies
Chapter 10: Automate & Streamline Your Business
Chapter 11: Confidence-Boosting Strategies
Chapter 12: Launch a New Product/Service/Offer
Chapter 13: Manage Your Time Effectively
Chapter 14: Reduce Overwhelm in Business
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