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Be sure to grab the fillable checklists below, as well; they will help you to more easily stay on track with each of the 12 monthly themes. You'll get one checklist for each chapter:

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PLUS additional resources to accompany each chapter as you take action on the Begin Your Biz in 15 Minutes/Day method!

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    Additional Resources

    Chapter 9: Client Retention Strategies

    Chapter 10: Automate & Streamline Your Business

    Chapter 11: Confidence-Boosting Strategies

    Chapter 12: Launch a New Product/Service/Offer

    Chapter 13: Manage Your Time Effectively

    Chapter 14: Reduce Overwhelm in Business


    • MeetEdgar (social media scheduler—affiliate link)
    • Zoho (bookkeeping software—referral link)
    • Toggl (time-tracking)

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    PLUS additional resources to accompany each chapter as you take action on the Begin Your Biz in 15 Minutes/Day method!

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