Showing 21 Result(s)
productivity for solopreneurs e-course FAQ

Productivity for solopreneurs e-course FAQ

A question I ALWAYS wonder, when I’m considering joining someone else’s business program, is this: “Your testimonials are great, clearly some people are getting great results with your program… But what about AVERAGE results? What about people who DON’T get results? What happens if I’m not happy or if I don’t get the expected results?” …

productivity for solopreneurs

Productivity for solopreneurs e-course

Productivity can feel like a CHALLENGE for solopreneurs — which is exactly why I created my productivity for solopreneurs e-course! It’s called Productivity Powerhouse and it uses my signature anti-hustle methods which are fully customizable to ANY solopreneur business — including yours. In this video, let’s talk about what this productivity for solopreneurs course can …

anti-hustle productivity 101

Anti-hustle Productivity 101

What is anti hustle productivity? If you’re curious about anti-hustle productivity (and if you’re wondering what makes it different from the hustle culture that tends to seep into everything!), this video will help you understand how anti-hustle productivity can support you in your solopreneur business. Think of this as your “anti-hustle productivity 101” primer! (This …

what is true productivity

What is true productivity?

Last month, I shared with you about the problems around “traditional” toxic productivity and hustle culture. So at this point, you might be wondering… What IS true productivity? Today, let’s get into what true productivity is, and what healthy productivity looks like… True productivity is efficient and abundant. It’s about getting more high quality and …

productivity templates for small business owners

Productivity templates for small business owners (you need these!)

Did you know that with the right productivity templates, you can easily save 10+ hours/week, EVERY week in your business? Simply by setting up your business foundations with awesome, powerful productivity assets, you will dramatically save time—and prevent burnout and overwhelm! Here are the productivity templates that every small business owner needs… ✔ Action plan …

How much is your time worth to you?

How much is your time worth to you?

Got a question for you today… How much is your time worth to you?  Really—take a moment and think about it.  Time is one of our most invaluable commodities. Once it’s gone, we can’t exactly get it back. And we all know how easy it is to let days, weeks, months, years go by without …


The #1 mistake every perfectionist makes…

Are you a perfectionist? There’s a 99% chance that you are making this big mistake… but don’t worry! You’ll learn what the mistake is, PLUS what you can do to fix this mistake, in this article… Perfectionism is very common for many business owners! I bet you’ve experienced it from time to time. My clients …

top 10 productivity myths for solopreneurs

Top 10 productivity myths for solopreneurs

Find out 3 steps to 10x (!) your productivity—FREE training Top 10 productivity myths for solopreneurs Guess what? It’s Productivity Myth-Busting time! Find out the top 10 productivity myths I hear in the online business industry and why these common beliefs are actually FALSE… …PLUS, discover what you can do instead—to take ownership of your …

performance reviews for solopreneurs

Why performance reviews matter—even as a solopreneur

Performance reviews have made a huge difference for me, both as a solopreneur (because I want to hold myself accountable!), and as a multi-passionate business owner (so that nothing slips through the cracks)… which is why I’m so passionate about doing performance reviews—even when you’re the only person in your business. >> Discover your Solopreneur …

how to be a successful solopreneur

3 Steps for How to Be a Successful Solopreneur

Join the FREE productivity  training and discover how to be a successful solopreneur. Let me ask you… When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? Last week? Yesterday? Maybe 30 minutes ago? That’s pretty common. And unfortunately, that overwhelm is really harming your business. In fact, people are almost 70% less productive when they feel …

easy mind mapping tutorial

Easy Mind Mapping Tutorial

Are you a visual, hands-on person? You might find mind mapping to be a useful tool. Mind mapping can be used to organize your thoughts and ideas, improve your understanding of different concepts, and group ideas together so they are all in one place. The best part is, mind mapping doesn’t need to be a …

Meetings: Worthwhile or Worthless?

I have attended a lot of worthless meetings over the years—meetings that just end up wasting your time, and which don’t really seem to have a point to them. It was doubly frustrating when I knew that the meetings could have been useful and meaningful, but they were just conducted poorly. Nowadays, with freelancing, my …

A Simple Trick to Get More Work Done

We all have those times when you just feel like you’re plodding along. You have work to do, but it’s tough to just sit down and do it. The clock keeps ticking and you have no idea where the time is going! If you’re in this kind of situation, you need to know my simple trick for …